CLIMATIC SUMMARIES – Month-by-month detailed summaries of the most likely weather at more than a thousand travel destinations around the world.  Here you will find information on how much sunshine the place gets, morning and afternoon temperatures, how warm the water is, how often it rains, how much snow falls—plus a great deal more.



CLIMATE CHANGE – This section contains writings on global warming and other aspects of climate change.  They range from the popular to the highly technical. 



THE KINETIC ATMOSPHERE – This section contains professional papers viewing atmospheric characteristics and behavior through the lens of kinetic gas theory and statistical mechanics.  Some of these papers require some familiarity with atmospheric physics, kinetic gas theory, statistical mechanics, and mathematics through the calculus. 



OTHER WRITINGS – This catch-all section contains writings on a wide variety of subjects.  It contains articles written for popular magazines and books, letters to various editors, philosophical writings, political writings, and even romantic and erotic poetry. 




Copyright 2002 by Patrick Tyson

Last edited in December of 2016